About Me

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"Enoughtheory.com" had its humble beginning in the year 2011 by ( Founder of Enoughtheory.com ) Mr Ravi Kant Soni , an Enterprise Java and Spring Framework Specialist, with a bachelor degree (B.E) in Information Science and Engineering from Reva Institute of Technology at Bangalore. He has been into the software development discipline for many years now. Ravi has worn many hats throughout his tenure, ranging from software development, designing multi-tenant applications, integration of new technology into an existing system, to his current love of writing a Spring Framework book. Currently, he is a lead engineer at HCL Technology. Ravi has focused on Web and Enterprise development using Spring Framework for most of his career and has been extensively involved in application design and implementation. He has developed applications for Core-Bank, HR and Payroll System, and e-Commerce systems using Spring Framework. Ravi Kant Soni is author of book "Learning Spring Application development" http://learningspringapplicationdevelopment.com

Friday, 2 August 2013

HTML5 – A Short Description

HTML5 – A Short Description

  1. HTML5 is the next major revision to HTML

New HTML5 Tags
  1. <section> – breaks a document into its logical sections
  2. <header> – represents a header section, note that this represents a document header, and is different from <head> tag which is a HTML header
  3. <footer> – represents a document footer
  4. <aside> – represents an “aside” section that is unrelated to the rest of the document
  5. Form inputs in HTML5 also introduced new input elements such as <datetime>, <tel>, <url>, etc. Contrast this with <input type=”text”>
  6. HTML5 also introduced the famous <video> and <audio> tags for playing of videos and audio files respectively

Semantic Markup and Page Layout

  • article
  • aside
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • footer
  • header
  • hgroup
  • mark
  • nav
  • section
  • time

  1. Headers and footers are self-explanatory and nav creates a navigation or menu bar. You can use sectionsand articles to group your content.
  2. aside element can be used for secondary content, for example, as a sidebar of related links.
  3. hgroup element, which grouped together my h1 and h2 headers
  4. mark element allowed me to highlight or mark some important text.
  5. figure and figcaptionelements specify a figure in my content (like an image, diagram, photo, code snippet, etc.)
  6. < canvas> tag. It’s just what it sounds like——a blank surface for drawing. You need to use JavaScript to manipulate and draw on the canvas.
  7. In HTML5, you can embed audio and video using the new <audio> and <video> tags.

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