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"Enoughtheory.com" had its humble beginning in the year 2011 by ( Founder of Enoughtheory.com ) Mr Ravi Kant Soni , an Enterprise Java and Spring Framework Specialist, with a bachelor degree (B.E) in Information Science and Engineering from Reva Institute of Technology at Bangalore. He has been into the software development discipline for many years now. Ravi has worn many hats throughout his tenure, ranging from software development, designing multi-tenant applications, integration of new technology into an existing system, to his current love of writing a Spring Framework book. Currently, he is a lead engineer at HCL Technology. Ravi has focused on Web and Enterprise development using Spring Framework for most of his career and has been extensively involved in application design and implementation. He has developed applications for Core-Bank, HR and Payroll System, and e-Commerce systems using Spring Framework. Ravi Kant Soni is author of book "Learning Spring Application development" http://learningspringapplicationdevelopment.com

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Multi-Tenant Data Architecture


Trust, or the lack thereof, is the number one factor blocking the adoption of software as a service (SaaS). A case could be made that data is the most important asset of any business—data about products, customers, employees, suppliers, and more. And data, of course, is at the heart of SaaS. SaaS applications provide customers with centralized, network-based access to data with less overhead than is possible when using a locally-installed application. But in order to take advantage of the benefits of SaaS, an organization must surrender a level of control over its own data, trusting the SaaS vendor to keep it safe and away from prying eyes.
To earn this trust, one of the highest priorities for a prospective SaaS architect is creating a SaaS data architecture that is both robust and secure enough to satisfy tenants or clients who are concerned about surrendering control of vital business data to a third party, while also being efficient and cost-effective to administer and maintain.
This is the second article in our series about designing multi-tenant applications. The first article, Architecture Strategies for Catching the Long Tail, introduced the SaaS model at a high level and discussed its challenges and benefits. It is available on MSDN. Other articles in the series will focus on topics such as workflow and user interface design, overall security, and others.
In this article, we'll look at the continuum between isolated data and shared data, and identify three distinct approaches for creating data architectures that fall at different places along the continuum. Next, we'll explore some of the technical and business factors to consider when deciding which approach to use. Finally, we'll present design patterns for ensuring security, creating an extensible data model, and scaling the data infrastructure.

Three Approaches to Managing Multi-Tenant Data

The distinction between shared data and isolated data isn't binary. Instead, it's more of a continuum, with many variations that are possible between the two extremes.
Data architecture is an area in which the optimal degree of isolation for a SaaS application can vary significantly depending on technical and business considerations. Experienced data architects are used to considering a broad spectrum of choices when designing an architecture to meet a specific set of challenges, and SaaS is certainly no exception. We shall examine three broad approaches, each of which lies at a different location in the continuum between isolation and sharing.

Separate Databases

Storing tenant data in separate databases is the simplest approach to data isolation.
Figure 1. This approach uses a different database for each tenant
Computing resources and application code are generally shared between all the tenants on a server, but each tenant has its own set of data that remains logically isolated from data that belongs to all other tenants. Metadata associates each database with the correct tenant, and database security prevents any tenant from accidentally or maliciously accessing other tenants' data.
Giving each tenant its own database makes it easy to extend the application's data model (discussed later) to meet tenants' individual needs, and restoring a tenant's data from backups in the event of a failure is a relatively simple procedure. Unfortunately, this approach tends to lead to higher costs for maintaining equipment and backing up tenant data. Hardware costs are also higher than they are under alternative approaches, as the number of tenants that can be housed on a given database server is limited by the number of databases that the server can support. (Using autoclose to unload databases from memory when there are no active connections can make an application more scalable by increasing the number of databases each server can support.)
Separating tenant data into individual databases is the "premium" approach, and the relatively high hardware and maintenance requirements and costs make it appropriate for customers that are willing to pay extra for added security and customizability. For example, customers in fields such as banking or medical records management often have very strong data isolation requirements, and may not even consider an application that does not supply each tenant with its own individual database.

Shared Database, Separate Schemas

Another approach involves housing multiple tenants in the same database, with each tenant having its own set of tables that are grouped into a schema created specifically for the tenant.
Figure 2. In this approach each tenant has its own separate set of tables in a common database
When a customer first subscribes to the service, the provisioning subsystem creates a discrete set of tables for the tenant and associates it with the tenant's own schema. You can use the SQL CREATE command to create a schema and authorize a user account to access it. For example, in Microsoft SQL Server 2005:

The application can then create and access tables within the tenant's schema using the SchemaName.TableName convention:
CREATE TABLE ContosoSchema.Resumes (EmployeeID int identity primary key, 
   Resume nvarchar(MAX))


A tenant account can access tables within its default schema by specifying just the table name, instead of using the SchemaName.TableName convention. This way, a single set of SQL statements can be created for all tenants, which each tenant can use to access its own data:

Like the isolated approach, the separate-schema approach is relatively easy to implement, and tenants can extend the data model as easily as with the separate-database approach. (Tables are created from a standard default set, but once they are created they no longer need to conform to the default set, and tenants may add or modify columns and even tables as desired.) This approach offers a moderate degree of logical data isolation for security-conscious tenants, though not as much as a completely isolated system would, and can support a larger number of tenants per database server.
A significant drawback of the separate-schema approach is that tenant data is harder to restore in the event of a failure. If each tenant has its own database, restoring a single tenant's data means simply restoring the database from the most recent backup. With a separate-schema application, restoring the entire database would mean overwriting the data of every tenant on the same database with backup data, regardless of whether each one has experienced any loss or not. Therefore, to restore a single customer's data, the database administrator may have to restore the database to a temporary server, and then import the customer's tables into the production server—a complicated and potentially time-consuming task.
The separate schema approach is appropriate for applications that use a relatively small number of database tables, on the order of about 100 tables per tenant or fewer. This approach can typically accommodate more tenants per server than the separate-database approach can, so you can offer the application at a lower cost, as long as your customers will accept having their data co-located with that of other tenants.

Shared Database, Shared Schema

A third approach involves using the same database and the same set of tables to host multiple tenants' data. A given table can include records from multiple tenants stored in any order; a Tenant ID column associates every record with the appropriate tenant.
Figure 3. In this approach, all tenants share the same set of tables, and a Tenant ID associates each tenant with the rows that it owns
Of the three approaches explained here, the shared schema approach has the lowest hardware and backup costs, because it allows you to serve the largest number of tenants per database server. However, because multiple tenants share the same database tables, this approach may incur additional development effort in the area of security, to ensure that tenants can never access other tenants' data, even in the event of unexpected bugs or attacks.
The procedure for restoring data for a tenant is similar to that for the shared-schema approach, with the additional complication that individual rows in the production database must be deleted and then reinserted from the temporary database. If there are a very large number of rows in the affected tables, this can cause performance to suffer noticeably for all the tenants that the database serves.
The shared-schema approach is appropriate when it is important that the application be capable of serving a large number of tenants with a small number of servers, and prospective customers are willing to surrender data isolation in exchange for the lower costs that this approach makes possible.

Choosing an Approach

Each of the three approaches described above offers its own set of benefits and tradeoffs that make it an appropriate model to follow in some cases and not in others, as determined by a number of business and technical considerations. Some of these considerations are listed below.

Economic Considerations

Applications optimized for a shared approach tend to require a larger development effort than applications designed using a more isolated approach (because of the relative complexity of developing a shared architecture), resulting in higher initial costs. Because they can support more tenants per server, however, their ongoing operational costs tend to be lower.
Figure 4. Cost over time for a hypothetical pair of SaaS applications; one uses a more isolated approach, while the other uses a more shared approach
Your development effort can be constrained by business and economic factors, which can influence your choice of approach. The shared schema approach can end up saving you money over the long run, but it does require a larger initial development effort before it can start producing revenue. If you are unable to fund a development effort of the size necessary to build a shared schema application, or if you need to bring your application to market more quickly than a large-scale development effort would allow, you may have to consider a more isolated approach.

Security Considerations

As your application will store sensitive tenant data, prospective customers will have high expectations about security, and your service level agreements (SLAs) will need to provide strong data safety guarantees. A common misconception holds that only physical isolation can provide an appropriate level of security. In fact, data stored using a shared approach can also provide strong data safety, but requires the use of more sophisticated design patterns.

Tenant Considerations

The number, nature, and needs of the tenants you expect to serve all affect your data architecture decision in different ways. Some of the following questions may bias you toward a more isolated approach, while others may bias you toward a more shared approach.
  • How many prospective tenants do you expect to target? You may be nowhere near being able to estimate prospective use with authority, but think in terms of orders of magnitude: are you building an application for hundreds of tenants? Thousands? Tens of thousands? More? The larger you expect your tenant base to be, the more likely you will want to consider a more shared approach.
  • How much storage space do you expect the average tenant's data to occupy? If you expect some or all tenants to store very large amounts of data, the separate-database approach is probably best. (Indeed, data storage requirements may force you to adopt a separate-database model anyway. If so, it will be much easier to design the application that way from the beginning than to move to a separate-database approach later on.)
  • How many concurrent end users do you expect the average tenant to support? The larger the number, the more appropriate a more isolated approach will be to meet end-user requirements.
  • Do you expect to offer any per-tenant value-added services, such as per-tenant backup and restore capability? Such services are easier to offer through a more isolated approach.
Figure 5. Tenant-related factors and how they affect "isolated versus shared" data architecture decisions

Regulatory Considerations

Companies, organizations, and governments are often subject to regulatory law that can affect their security and record storage needs. Investigate the regulatory environments that your prospective customers occupy in the markets in which you expect to operate, and determine whether they present any considerations that will affect your decision.

Skill Set Considerations

Designing single-instance, multi-tenant architecture is still a very new skill, so subject matter expertise can be hard to come by. If your architects and support staff do not have a great deal of experience building SaaS applications, they will need to acquire the necessary knowledge, or you will have to hire people that already have it. In some cases, a more isolated approach may allow your staff to leverage more of its existing knowledge of traditional software development than a more shared approach would.

Realizing Multi-Tenant Data Architecture

The remainder of this article details a number of patterns that can help you plan and build your SaaS application. As we discussed in our introductory article, a well-designed SaaS application is distinguished by three qualities: scalability, configurability, and multi-tenant efficiency. The table below lists the patterns appropriate for each of the three approaches, divided into sections representing these three qualities.
Optimizing for multi-tenant efficiency in a shared environment must not compromise the level of security safeguarding data access. The security patterns listed below demonstrate how you can design an application with "virtual isolation" through mechanisms such as permissions, SQL views, and encryption.
Configurability allows SaaS tenants to alter the way the application appears and behaves without requiring a separate application instance for each individual tenant. The extensibility patterns describe possible ways you can implement a data model that tenants can extend and configure individually to meet their needs.
The approach you choose for your SaaS application's data architecture will affect the options available to you for scaling it to accommodate more tenants or heavier usage. The scalability patterns address the different challenges posed by scaling shared databases and dedicated databases.

Security Patterns

Trusted Database Connections

This approach involves creating a database access account for each tenant, and using ACLs to grant each of these tenant accounts access to the database objects the tenant is allowed to use. When an end user performs an action that directly or indirectly requires a call to a database, the application uses credentials associated with the tenant account, rather than credentials associated with the end user. (One way for the application to obtain the proper credentials is through impersonation, in conjunction with a credentialing system like Kerberos. A second approach is to use a security token service that returns an actual set of encrypted login credentials established for the tenant, that the application process can then submit to the database.) The database server does not distinguish between requests originating from different end users associated with the same tenant, and grants all such requests access to the tenant's data. Within the application itself, security code prevents end users from receiving and modifying any data that they are not entitled to access.
For example, consider an end user of a customer relations management (CRM) application who performs an operation that queries the database for customer records matching a certain string. The application submits the query to the database using the security context of the tenant, so instead of returning all of the matching records in the database, the query only retrieves the matching rows from the tables the tenant is allowed to access. So far, so good—but suppose the end user's role only allows her to access records of customers located within a certain geographic region. (For more information about roles, see the section "Authorization" in Architecture Strategies for Catching the Long Tail, the first article in this series.) The application must intercept the query results and only present the user with the records that she is entitled to see.

Secure Database Tables

Tenant View Filter

Tenant Data Encryption

Cryptographic methods are categorized as either symmetric or asymmetric. In symmetric cryptography, a key is generated that is used to encrypt and decrypt data. Data encrypted with a symmetric key can be decrypted with the same key. In asymmetric cryptography (also called public-key cryptography), two keys are used, designated the public key and the private key. Data that is encrypted with a given public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, and vice versa. Generally, public keys are distributed to any and all parties interested in communicating with the key holder, while private keys are held secure. For example, if Alice wishes to send an encrypted message to Bob, she obtains Bob's public key through some agreed-upon means, and uses it to encrypt the message. The resulting encrypted message, or cyphertext, can only be decrypted by someone in possession of Bob's private key (in practice, this should only be Bob). This way, Bob never has to share his private key with Alice. To send a message to Bob using symmetric encryption, Alice would have to send the symmetric key separately—which runs the risk that the key might be intercepted by a third party during transmission.

Extensibility Patterns

As designed, your application will naturally include a standard database setup, with default tables, fields, queries, and relationships that are appropriate to the nature of your solution. But different organizations have their own unique needs that a rigid, inextensible default data model won't be able to address. For example, one customer of a SaaS job-tracking system might have to store an externally generated classification code string with each record to fully integrate the system with their other processes. A different customer may have no need for a classification string field, but might require support for tracking a category ID number, an integer. Therefore, in many cases you will have to develop and implement a method by which customers can extend your default data model to meet their needs, without affecting the data model that other customers use.

Preallocated Fields


Name-Value Pairs


Custom Columns

This pattern is appropriate for separate-database or separate-schema applications, because each tenant has its own set of tables that can be modified independently of those belonging to any other clients. From a data model standpoint, this is the simplest of the three extensibility patterns, because it does not require you to track data extensions separately. On the application architecture side, though, this pattern can sometimes be more difficult to implement, because it allows tenants to vary the number of columns in a table. Even if the Custom Columns pattern is available to you, you may consider using a variation on the Preallocated Fields or Name-Value Pairs pattern to reduce development effort, allowing you to write application code that can assume a known and unchanging number of fields in each table.

Using Data Model Extensions

Scalability Patterns

Large-scale enterprise software is intended to be used by thousands of people simultaneously. If you have experience building enterprise applications of this sort, you know first-hand the challenges of creating a scalable architecture. For a SaaS application, scalability is even more important, because you'll have to support data belonging to all your customers. For independent software vendors (ISVs) accustomed to building on-premise enterprise software, supporting this kind of user base is like moving from the minor leagues to the majors: the rules may be familiar, but the game is played on an entirely different level. Instead of a widely deployed, business-critical enterprise application, you're really building an Internet-scale system that needs to actively support a user base potentially numbering in the millions.

Scaling Techniques

Tenant-Based Horizontal Partitioning

Single Tenant Scaleout


The design approaches and patterns we've discussed in this article should help you create the foundation layer of trust that's vital to the success of your SaaS application. Designing a SaaS data architecture that reconciles the competing benefits and demands of sharing and isolation isn't a trivial task, but these approaches and patterns should help you identify and resolve many of the critical questions you will face. The ideas and recommendations presented here differ in the details, but they all help you leverage the principles of configurability, scalability, and multi-tenant efficiency to design a secure and extensible data architecture for a SaaS application.


  1. Shared Database, Shared Schema

    This seems to be a good approach for SAAS Application.

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