Eclipse Birt
Reporting with Eclipse BIRT and Java Objects (POJO's) - Tutorial
Eclipse BIRT allows the creation of reports based on data from
different data
sources. Data sources define where the data is
BIRT provides for example the following data sources:
You use in BIRT "Data sets" to defines queries on data source. These data sets can be used in a report.
In a Java program it is often convenient to use Java objects as a data source for reports. This article will focus on the usage of plain old Java objects (POJO) as data sources for BIRT reports.
BIRT provides for example the following data sources:
Databases (via JDBC)
Text Files (cvs, XML)
WebServices (via WSDL-Files)
Scripting Data sources
You use in BIRT "Data sets" to defines queries on data source. These data sets can be used in a report.
In a Java program it is often convenient to use Java objects as a data source for reports. This article will focus on the usage of plain old Java objects (POJO) as data sources for BIRT reports.
Use the
Eclipse Update Manager
to install "Business Intelligence,
Reporting and Charting" -> BIRT
Create a new Java Project with the name
Create a new report "stock_report.rptdesign" via File -> New -> Other -> Business Intelligence and Reporting -> Report.
The new report is displayed in the "Report Design" perspective. Delete everything in the example report except the report header. The result should look like the following.
Create a new report "stock_report.rptdesign" via File -> New -> Other -> Business Intelligence and Reporting -> Report.
The new report is displayed in the "Report Design" perspective. Delete everything in the example report except the report header. The result should look like the following.
The report will display stock data. To demonstrate BIRT we use a
Mock object for
providing the data.
Create package "com.birt.stocks.model" and then the following class. This class will represent the domain model.
Create package "com.birt.stocks.model" and then the following class. This class will represent the domain model.
package com.birt.stocks.model; import java.util.Date; /** * Domain model for stock data */ public class StockData { private Date date; private double open; private double high; private double low; private double close; private long volume; public double getClose() { return close; } public void setClose(double close) { this.close = close; } public Date getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } public double getHigh() { return high; } public void setHigh(double high) { this.high = high; } public double getLow() { return low; } public void setLow(double low) { this.low = low; } public double getOpen() { return open; } public void setOpen(double open) { = open; } public long getVolume() { return volume; } public void setVolume(long volume) { this.volume = volume; } }Create the package "com.birt.stocks.daomock" and then the following class "StockDaoMock". This will only mock / fake the data and not really get it from the Internet. As we want to learn BIRT here this should be fine.
package com.birt.stocks.daomock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import com.birt.stocks.model.StockData; public class StockDaoMock { public List<StockData> getStockValues(String company) { // Ignore the company and always return the data // A real implementation would of course use the company string List<StockData> history = new ArrayList<StockData>(); // We fake the values, we will return fake value for 01.01.2009 - // 31.01.2009 double begin = 2.5; for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { Calendar day = Calendar.getInstance(); day.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); day.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); day.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); day.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); day.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2009); day.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); day.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, i); StockData data = new StockData(); data.setOpen(begin); double close = Math.round(begin + Math.random() * begin * 0.1); data.setClose(close); data.setLow(Math.round(Math.min(begin, begin - Math.random() * begin * 0.1))); data.setHigh(Math.round(Math.max(begin, close) + Math.random() * 2)); data.setVolume(1000 + (int) (Math.random() * 500)); begin = close; data.setDate(day.getTime()); history.add(data); } return history; } }
To use Java Objects (POJO's) as datasource in Eclipse BIRT you
have to map the fields of your Java classes to
JavaScript. This
JavaScript is used in your report and will access the Java
The data source connects your data with your report. BIRT
provides different types of data sources, we use the "Scripted Data
Source". Go back to your stocks_report, use the "Report Design"
perspective and select the "Data Explorer" View.
Create a new datasource, named "srcStocks" in your report.
You have to select your report to display the content of the datasource view.Create a new datasource, named "srcStocks" in your report.
The dataset defines the mapping for the datasource data and the
BIRT data. Create a new dataset named "dataSetSocks".
Press next and define the columns for your report.
Press next and define the columns for your report.
Now we have to write the JavaScript for our dataset. Select the dataset and
choose "open" as script. The open script is called before the first
access to the dataset. We use this to load our List with the stock
objects. To access a Java class you only have to use the following
syntax: Packages.myJavaClass where myJavaClass is the full qualified
Java class name.
Place the following coding in the fetch script.
Check if your Script works by doubleclicking on the dataset -> Preview Result.
In case you do not see the script please node that the editor for the report has several tab. One of it is labeled "source".count = 0;
// Create instance of
// the GetStockHistory class
gsh = new;
//Load the List
stock = gsh.getStockValues("Java");
Place the following coding in the fetch script.
if(count < stock.size()){ row["columnDate"] = stock.get(count).getDate(); row["columnOpen"] = stock.get(count).getOpen(); row["columnHigh"] = stock.get(count).getHigh(); row["columnLow"] = stock.get(count).getLow(); row["columnClose"] = stock.get(count).getClose(); row["columnVolume"] = stock.get(count).getVolume(); count++; return true; } return false;
Check if your Script works by doubleclicking on the dataset -> Preview Result.
Switch from "Data Explorer" to the
"Palette". Select the tab
Drag and drop the table element on the report.
Define the following settings for the table.
Change back to the "Data Explorer". And drag and drop the dataset columns into the "Details row" of the table.
The result should look like the following.
Done. You can see a preview of the report if you click on the "Review" Tab. The result should look like the following:
Drag and drop the table element on the report.
Define the following settings for the table.
Change back to the "Data Explorer". And drag and drop the dataset columns into the "Details row" of the table.
The result should look like the following.
Done. You can see a preview of the report if you click on the "Review" Tab. The result should look like the following:
Switch back to the Palette, select a chart and drag and drop it
Choose the Line Chart with the standard settings.
Press Next and select your data set.
At the next step we have to assign the columns to the axis. We assign the date to the x axis and the open value to the y axis via drag and drop.
Define 5 series in total. Assign the columns to these series by dragging the column to the Sum sign.
Currently the x axis shows first the newest date. Reverse the x axis by you have to sort the data ascending. Press the highlighted button.
Go to the next tab and give titles to your columns. Hide the last one.
The display of the dates use a long format, we would like to change this. Perform the following and choose "short" as date type of the x axis
Change the display of the lines via the following.
Press finish to include your chart into your report.
Choose the Line Chart with the standard settings.
Press Next and select your data set.
At the next step we have to assign the columns to the axis. We assign the date to the x axis and the open value to the y axis via drag and drop.
Define 5 series in total. Assign the columns to these series by dragging the column to the Sum sign.
Currently the x axis shows first the newest date. Reverse the x axis by you have to sort the data ascending. Press the highlighted button.
Go to the next tab and give titles to your columns. Hide the last one.
The display of the dates use a long format, we would like to change this. Perform the following and choose "short" as date type of the x axis
Change the display of the lines via the following.
Press finish to include your chart into your report.
The following explains how to use BIRT reports in Tomcat. In general
you have to:
Install the BIRT webviewer in Tomcat
Export your BIRT project into a .jar file
Move the .jar file to the
birt-install-directory/WEB-INF/lib directory
Move the report design file into the root directory of
birt in tomcat
Restart Tomcat
We will use a standalone Tomcat 6.0 which we assume is already
installed. See
Apache Tomcat Tutorial
for details.
You need the "Deployment components of BIRT"
Copy the birt.war of this download into the Tomcat webappsfolder.
The Birt example should be available under http://localhost:8080/birt/.If you see something like this, your Tomcat an your Web Viewer should work correct.
You need the "Deployment components of BIRT"
Copy the birt.war of this download into the Tomcat webappsfolder.
Currently you have to install org.eclipse.commons.logging separately into Tomcat. Download this lib from and put the jars into the lib folder of Tomcat.The Birt example should be available under http://localhost:8080/birt/.If you see something like this, your Tomcat an your Web Viewer should work correct.
To run your own reports you have to copy the .rptdesign file in
the root of the birt folder in Tomcat. To make your Java classes
available export your project into a jar file.
After that the jar file has to be copied to the Tomcat webapps/birt/WEB-INF/lib/ directory. Restart the Tomcat and navigate to your report.
Your report should be found under http://localhost:8080/birt/frameset?__report=stock_report.rptdesign
After that the jar file has to be copied to the Tomcat webapps/birt/WEB-INF/lib/ directory. Restart the Tomcat and navigate to your report.
Your report should be found under http://localhost:8080/birt/frameset?__report=stock_report.rptdesign
If you want to export your report to PDF you also need the library iText from ( . Copy the iText.jar in "/birt-viewer/WEB-INF/platform/plugins/com.lowagie.itext/lib". Now restart the Tomcat.The following assumes that you are already familiar with Eclipse RCP development. See Eclipse RCP Tutorial in case you need an introduction.
Convert "com.birt.stocks" to a plug-in project, via right mouse click -> Configure -> "Convert to plug-in project".
Create an new plug-in project "com.birt.stocks.rcp". Select the template "RCP Application with a view".
Add the following plugins as dependendies to "com.birt.stocks.rcp".
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Rcp Bundle-SymbolicName: com.birt.stocks.rcp; singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-Activator: com.birt.stocks.rcp.Activator Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.core.runtime,,, com.birt.stocks, org.eclipse.birt, org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui, org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.extension, org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.pdf, org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.svg, org.eclipse.birt.chart.device.swt, org.eclipse.birt.chart.engine.extension, org.eclipse.birt.chart.reportitem, org.eclipse.birt.chart.reportitem.ui, org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.extension, org.eclipse.birt.core.script.function, Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Copy your report to "stock_report_rcp.rptdesign" into this new project. Open this report and change the "open" JavaScript to the following.
count = 0;
* load and init data reader
* import Platform from org.eclipse.core.runtime
/* load bundle with POJOs and data loading class */
myBundle = Platform.getBundle("com.birt.stocks");
/* load data reader class */
readerClass = myBundle.loadClass("com.birt.stocks.daomock.StockDaoMock");
/* create new instance of DataReader */
readerInstance = readerClass.newInstance();
/* read data */
stock = readerInstance.getStockValues("Java");
Use this code as
package com.birt.stocks.rcp; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; public class View extends ViewPart { public static final String ID = "com.birt.stocks.rcp.view"; public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { String path = ""; try { Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("com.birt.stocks.rcp"); URL url = FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("stock_report_rcp.rptdesign"), null); path = FileLocator.toFileURL(url).getPath(); } catch (MalformedURLException me) { System.out.println("Fehler bei URL " + me.getStackTrace()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Browser browser = new Browser(parent, SWT.NONE); // Use the filename of your report WebViewer.display(path, WebViewer.HTML, browser, "frameset"); } /** * Passing the focus request to the viewer's control. */ public void setFocus() { } }
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